Friday, February 4, 2011

Eat The Rainbow

              Do you live to eat or eat to live?
There are a lot of people who do either one, but that doesn't mean you can't have fun with your food! Here are some colourful fruits that have beneficial qualities. 


Green grapes contain cancer fighting compounds,         
lowers cholesterol, and keeps the heart muscles strong and healthy. Women should take in more grapes to lower the chances of heart diseases. People who do not want to age fast are in luck because green grapes are anti-aging agents! By eating green grapes, you can lose weight fast. 

Green apples reduces risk of colon and lung cancer,regulates bowel movements, controls heart disease and also helps in losing weight. It also lowers the cholesterol level and reduces the risks of skin diseases. Plus, it maintains the cleanliness of the teeth and ENHANCE OUR MEMORY!



Blueberries has a lot of fibers that helps in blood coagulation. It has a lot vitamin C and also helps in improving night vision. Other than that, it is also good for the brain. It protects the brain from stress and reduce the effects of age-related diseases like Alzheirmer's disease or dimentia. Like other fruits, it too helps reduce the risk of colon and ovarian cancer.  


  Plums aids the digestive system due to its abundance of 
antioxidants and fiber. 
It also contains a lot 
of vitamin C 
that helps in reducing the risks of asthma, colon cancer, 
osteoarthritis, and rheumatoid arthritis. Like blueberries, 
it improves our sense of sight.

Purple grapes slows the deposit of fat in our arteries. With its high nutrient content, it can fight heart disease and cancer. Its seeds are claimed to strengthen capillary walls and reduces the risk of blood clots. The use of grape juice is said to promote brain health and delay neurodegenative diseases.


Cherries helps reduce pain and inflammation and is good for the immune system. It treats gout and has among the highest level of disease-fighting antioxidants compared to   other fruits. It also help regulates the body's natural sleep patterns, aid with jet lag, prevent memory loss and delay the aging process. It also lowers our weight and reduces the risk of heart-related diseases as well as cancer.

Strawberries contain loads of vitamin C, fibre and are rich in flavaniods. It is a heart-protective, anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory fruit. Strawberries do not cause intestinal bleeding. It is linked to lower rates of cancer deaths and is also good for our sight.  

  Watermelons produce energy for our body and is  good for vision. It also encourages enzyme action. It is a good source of vitamins C and A and helps reduce the risk of dehydration. It also plays a role in reducing the risk of prostate cancer and helps produce energy. It has a special cooling effect and most of all, it is fat free. 


Oranges build healthy teeth and gums as well as maintains strong blood vessels. It prevents diseases like asthma,  pneumonia and high blood pressure. It helps lower cholesterol and prevent diabetes. For those who are alcoholic, oranges help reduce the desire for liquor.Consumption of large quantities of oranges will decrease the outpouring of mucus secretion from the nose.

Grapefruit is full of antioxidants and fibre which helps lower the cholesterol level. It protects against cancer, tumour and heart diseases. It works as a natural antiseptic for external wounds and as a liver tonic for the human body. It also helps change the complexion of the skin and reduces the burning sensation that arises during fever.

 The amazing thing about bananas is it helps reduce depression. It prevents anemia along with constipation and diarrhea.It protects our eyesight and improves the health of kidneys and bones. It is also good to avoid morning sickness. Bananas can also help those who wants to quit smoking. It helps the body recover from the effects of nicotine withdrawal.If you suffer from heat burn, try eating a banana for soothing relief. Rubbing the inside of a banana peel on a mosquito bite is effective in reducing itch

             All good things which exist are the fruits of originality




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